PhpWiki Wiki Hosting Bangladesh
Our shared web hosting plan includes everything you need to host your PhpWiki Wiki.

Along with support for PHP 5 and MySQL 5, our web hosting plan comes with Fantastico De Luxe auto-installer.

With Fantastico De Luxe the installation procedure of PhpWiki Wiki takes seconds and can be performed by novices without the need of setting up MySQL databases, importing structure, chmoding files and without the need of other tasks usually associated with installations.

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More about PhpWiki WikiWikiWeb
PhpWiki is wiki software written in PHP. The first version, by Steve Wainstead, was in December 1999 and was the first Wiki written in PHP to be publicly released.

The first version ran under PHP 3.x and ran on DBM files only. It was a feature-for-feature reimplementation of the original WikiWikiWeb at

In early 2000 Arno Hollosi contributed a second database library to run PhpWiki on MySQL; from then on the features and contributions started to pile up, including a templating system, color diffs, rewrites of the rendering engine and much more. Arno was interested in running a wiki for the game Go.

Jeff Dairiki was the next major contributor, and soon headed the project for the next couple of years. His interest was in Hammond Organs, and he ran a wiki for Hammonds.

Reini Urban, Carsten Klapp, and Joel Uckerman are the primary developers today and PhpWiki is still maintained and developed.

Learn more on PhpWiki:
[ PhpWiki Web Site ]